Saturday, February 19, 2011

First Post, some thoughts on "The Poetics of Space"

This is why I went back to University, I never would have thought to give this work a second glance had it not been assigned as a reading for a studio class; a senior drawing course to be precise. To be fair, my instructor did not assign the book, by Gaston Bachelard  to be read in its entirety over a one week period. She only assigned one chapter, the Dialectic of Inside and Outside. It is by no stretch an easy read and as an adult diagnosed with ADHD I have to admit that the battle required more than a single attack. But hot damn! it was so worth it. Because although I was under no obligation to read the rest of the book, it drew me in by shear virtue of its magnetic suction. I guess this is a love it or hate it sort of book. Ambivalence is the purview of those unhappy souls who can't or do not wish to get through the first few pages.  Anyway, I have left this too late and I'll have to continue in the am or thereto about  as I am falling asleep typing. Man it sucks getting old sometimes; at least the physical deterioration part does. I am not too worried. I don't expect too many readers right now. Besides writing more on Bachelard, I'll also throw  in some  images that I am referring to for printmaking and drawing that are related to Bachelarian ideas. TTFN ..."Head hitting keyboard, thud".

1 comment:

  1. wow i would have never have picked such a challenging read kudos to you
    PS. Your writing is incredible have you published any work?


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